Evgeny Feldman Photography


Apart. Story of Ukrainian Revolution & war


In 2014 I've published a photo book 'Apart' on Ukrainian revolution & war that I have been witnessing for almost a year and a half. It was published following a successful crowdfunding campaign that established a new record in book category in the history of crowdfunding in Russia, as almost 900 copies were ordered in a 5 weeks. It was later republished in Kyiv, Ukraine.

The album is sold out. Here we fully publish a 3.0 version slightly redesigned in 2018.

Feldman’s photos chart the development of Maidan: the hopes of the crowds of ordinary Ukrainians and the shocking violence which intensified as the protests came to a head and the spiral further into the abyss, from the early days when the proclamation of the Donetsk People’s Republic was almost comical, through the shock of each new escalation: the first deaths, the first appearance of heavy weaponry, and unthinkable descent into full-scale war in just a matter of months
— Shaun Walker, Moscow correspondent, The Guardian


Supertuesday and The Rest Of The Week


My second book was published independently in 2017 after another successful crowdfunding campaign. It represents a turnaround year in modern US history, focusing on both 2016 presidential campaign upset win by Donald Trump and daily lives of ordinary citizens. It shows 8 cities in 8 states from Iowa in January'16 to Washington, D.C. in January'17 and from New York to San Francisco or Abilene, Texas to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The book also features my pieces on the state of the presidential race that were made throughout the year.

Feldman shoots a movie. Not a road movie or a comedy, not a noir movie, but he photographs all of that together at the same time. He balances in between of genres and that gives him an edge both as a reporter and as an artist and as a person who has something to say and who is used to process what’s going on around him. Feldman thinks. Feldman speaks. Feldman photographs.
— Oleg Kashin, journalist and writer


Spartak Moscow. Victorious


Being a fan of Spartak Moscow football club my whole life, I see my team's myths in my personal behavior and its story fusing with my CV. I started to photograph at the club's games and started to work as a journalist because I needed a media from which to get credentialed for the games.

In 2017, Spartak Moscow got the league title back after 16 years of losses. It happened when a team that seemed to get used of losing turned into warriors and gladiators almost overnight.

Photographing my team's games for years, I dreamed of making an album of its story some time. What better time than now?